The around the clock temperature in Portland for this last calendar year, 2024, averages 56.8 degrees Fahrenheit, up about two tenths of a degree from the around the clock temperature posted in the year before, 2023.
The warmest average temperature for a year in Portland is recorded in the year 1934, at 57.3 degrees Fahrenheit.
The warm year in 2024 for Portland raises its thirty-year average temperature, which defines Climate, by just about a tenth of a degree to 55.1 Fahrenheit - versus the 55 degrees recorded for the 30-year average at the end of the year 2023.
The around the clock Portland Airport temperature registers just about 55.1 degrees Fahrenheit for the last thirty years, a tad higher than the 30-year average posted at the end of year 2023. So, the Portland area climate as measured by average temperature for 30 years continues to increase.
There is a hint of a slowing in the increase in Climate temperature in the above graph. From the early to mid-70s through the late 1990s, the local climate temperature seems to increase a bit faster than since the late 1990s through last year (2024).
But this hint of slowing in warming would not be because of a slowing in the dominant greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide as a component of global atmosphere. This is because carbon dioxide (CO2) continues to increase steadily as a part of the global atmosphere, as measured by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. There is a physics theory I guess that says that the more the atmosphere becomes saturated with CO2, the less potent additions of CO2 to the atmosphere become.
I used to deliver newspapers, as a paper boy, to homes in the late 1960s and 1970s in the Portland suburbs, and it always seem damp and cold. I would often say to myself while doing my bicycle newspaper route(s): 'when I grow up, I sure hope I move to somewhere warm and dry like the U.S Southwest.' Well, here I am more than 50 years later living in the same Willamette Valley I grew up in, but maybe I got a part of my wish as the Willamette Valley has gotten significantly warmer since my paper route days as a teen. It is a bit of a double edge sword, though, as now government tries to take away things and social engineer peoples' lives as in the pursuit of what I call 'climate change environmental type purity.'
Those authorities in pursuit of climate action sacrifice seem like they could be the modern-day version of America's 17 century Puritan religious movement - which saw the Witch Trials. Maybe not as drastic as the Witch Trials, not yet at least.
(posted by Elvis Clark on January 9, 2024)
For Meteorological Summer 2024, Portland's average around the clock temperature is 1.1 degrees Fahrenheit cooler than was Meteorological Summer 2021. Meteorological Summer is comprised of the months of June, July and August in their entirety. Meteorological Summer does not include any part of the month of September.
If you recall, back at the end of August 2021 (at the conclusion of Meteorological Summer), then Mayor Gamba wrote in the "Milwaukie Pilot" that summers going forward in Milwaukie Oregon would only get warmer if man-made greenhouse emissions were not globally eliminated immediately.
Well, I can tell you that greenhouse gases in the atmosphere continue to increase steadily, and yet, summer 2024 turns out notably cooler than Gamba's acclaimed 2021 watershed-like summer (as measured by the National Weather Service at the recognized Portland area benchmark temperature station - namely the Portland International Airport). In fact, all three Portland area summers since 2021 have been a tad to modestly cooler than 2021.
So, Gamba's weather prediction is zero for three. I plan to keep checking in on Gamba's weather prediction each of the two next summers.
According to NOAA's benchmark Mauna Lua Observatory CO2 measurement gauge, this summer saw an outsized surge in atmospheric CO2 content.
Might it be that the big thinkers on planet earth, paid for big thinking by a big and ever-expanding self-interest government sector, are getting correlation and causation backwards? Might it be that a warming planet, especially with its vast oceans, might naturally release much more in greenhouse gases (CO2 primarily) than that emitted by human activity?
(posted by Elvis Clark on September 5, 2024)
Atmospheric science professor Richard Lindzen of MIT and Physics professor William Happer of Princeton co-author a brief report which estimates that for all its costs in the trillions the most that Net Zero plans, if adopted globally, can reduce the temperature is not more than one-half degree Fahrenheit.
They argue that at current concentrations of CO2, the heating effect of more CO2 declines rapidly to the point that continued CO2 emissions have little effect on raising global temperatures, climatically.
Here's the Lindzen-Happer brief on decreasing effectiveness of increasing CO2 atmosphere content:
Net Zero Policies Will Have a Trivial
Effect on Temperature, But Disastrous Effects on People Worldwide - CO2 Coalition
I remember reading that Harvard University's science department recognizes a decreasing effectiveness of CO2, also. But Harvard contends that there is a certain threshold in the thousands of parts per million (we are now at 420 parts per million CO2 and increasing 2 parts per year) where the effect accelerates again.
At any rate, the Climate models that are driving governments to adopt Net Zero plans like those in Oregon, which in turn are causing electric utility bills to surge higher and become unaffordable for a growing number of Oregonians, should be paused until a scientifically rigorous test is run on Lindzen and Happer's postulation about a deceleration in the effectiveness of CO2. Right now, the Climate models are based on a strict linear relationship between Global Warming and Greenhouse gas (mostly CO2) content of the atmosphere.
(posted by Elvis Clark on August 23, 2024)
Despite claims that man's Greenhouse emissions will cause agriculture production to decline, world food grain production continues to steadily increase - per the above graph prepared by the World Food and Agricultural Organization, a member of the United Nations.
Man-made Climate Change proponents continually talk of drought and the decline in agricultural production. But there is very low scientific confidence in the warming of planet leading to more droughts - per scientist Steven Knonin, former Undersecretary of Science during the Obama administration.
Actually, the increase in Carbon dioxide in the atmospheric, whether it be natural and/or man-made with the burning of fossil fuels, is observed by satellite imagery as causing the earth to become more covered in green plant life. This CO 2 driven increase in green plant life helps mitigate the deforestation going on in place like the Amazon river region of South America.
(posted by Elvis Clark on July 18, 2024)
Former President Trump, if re-elected, says he will implement an energy policy of "Drill, Baby, Drill." It is possible increased domestic oil drilling, stemming from a "Drill, Baby, Drill government program, could easily cause the average cost of gasoline to decrease to the $2.50 per gallon range. The average price of gasoline nationally for the last ten years is just about $2.50. Currently, the average price of gasoline in the U.S is just under $3.10 per gallon. (Gasoline in Texas, though, is already less than $2.70 per gallon.
At $2.50 for the price of a gallon of gasoline, it costs about 5 cents for a gasoline-electric hybrid car, like my Toyota Corolla to drive a mile. Locally, in Milwaukie, PGE's residential electricity cost is over 17 cents per KWH, which means in PGE's area the cost of going a mile in an all-electric car is just about 5 cents.
But gasoline in Portland is selling for an average price of $3.65 currently (although there are non-major gasoline stations like Astro and Space Age in the Portland Oregon area selling gasoline for as low as $3.10 per gallon - as of January 23, 2024).
Gasoline sells for an average of $3.08 nationally currently. But maybe with "Drill, Baby, Drill.' The cost of gasoline, nationally, could decrease to its ten-year average of just about $2.50. Oregon maintains a higher price of gasoline than that of the nation as a whole, but Oregon gasoline prices could get down to around $3.00 per gallon.
Meanwhile, electricity rates are increasing steadily in recent years, with PGE's rates having increased nearly 20% this month of January 2024 from last year 2023. The Oregon government push to replace existing fossil fuel generation stations with wind and solar power generation is likely to cause PGE's electricity rates to increase to the 20 cent per Kilowatt Hour range (KWH) and as high as 25 cents per KWH. Speaking of a net zero state, California's average rate for residential electricity is already over 25 cents per KWH.
At $2.50 gasoline, 20 cent and 25 cent KWH rates would cause the gasoline-electric hybrid car to have an energy cost of 2 cents to 3.5 cents lower per mile than an all-electric car.
(posted by Elvis Clark on January 20, 2024)
The Wall Street Journal, in the pdf file just below for your reading, says that achieving net zero requires so much heavy metal mining and manufacturing that Net Zero actually causes more greenhouse gases to be emitted.
Leave it to our corrupt, inept government leaders to force a solution that is actually a problem.
Again, for this story, read the pdf article below, "IEAnetZeroAin't23OctWSJ."
(posted by Elvis Clark on October 21, 2023)
IEAnetZeroAin't23OctWSJ (pdf)
DownloadBoth Bill Gates and Mike Bloomberg, as reported by Fortune news media, are now on record as stating that technological progress will most likely help the earth de-carbonize and stop the earth from overheating. Here's the link to Bill Gates tamping down on Climate Alarmism:
Bill Gates on climate change: 'The climate is not the end of the planet' | Fortune
Only a little over a year ago did Milwaukie, Oregon's Mayor Gamba warn his community that if it (Milwaukie, Oregon) didn't ban natural gas and other fossil fuels over the next decade, the earth and its people would suffer catastrophic climate consequences.
Now, with prominent figures like Gates and Bloomberg both publicly tamping down climate alarmism, maybe government can get back to better balancing economic affordability/prosperity against environmental cause.
Bill Gates' former company he help build, namely Microsoft, is planning on investing in small nuclear power plants to serve the intense electricity demands of its data centers. Small advanced nuclear module power plants are part of the reason for Gates' optimism about technological progress helping reduce green house gas emissions and thereby limit the earth's warming.
(posted by Elvis Clark on October 14, 2023)
New research efforts are only just beginning to reveal the impact of near-invisible tire and brake dust. A report from the Pew Charitable Trust found that 78 percent of ocean microplastics are from synthetic tire rubber.
EVs tend to shed around 20 percent more from their tires due to their higher weight and high torque compared to traditional internal combustion engine-powered vehicles (Drive Magazine).
(posted by Elvis Clark on October 6, 2023)
It seems carbon dioxide emissions are climbing faster than fossil fuel energy consumption, according to the Wall Street Journal article in pdf format just below here (see "GovFailsBigWSJ23Aug").
Why would this be? What seems to happen is that wind turbines and solar panels are using more coal in their manufacture. So, fossil fuel energy efficiency is declining.
It may take some ten years for renewable electricity generating machines and equipment to offset the carbon emissions stemming from their manufacture. By this time, some of this renewable equipment wears out and needs to be replaced.
Even if our current elitist establishment is correct about man-made greenhouse gases causing Climate Change, there is a high risk that the government can't really do much to solve climate change - other than tax and spend - making people less well off in the process.
(posted by Elvis Clark on August 18, 2023)
GovFailsBigWSJ23Aug (pdf)
DownloadWith the same amount of lithium metal, 8 times as many Toyota hybrid Prius' can be manufactured than all-electric chevy Bolts. Lithium mining carries with it certain environmental impacts, too, just as an important note. The Prius saves one gallon of gasoline for every 52 miles it drives. If there are 8 times more Prius than conventional gasoline automobiles, this saves 8 gallons of gasoline with every 52 miles driven.
Against the Prius, the Bolt - with less of them - only saves two gallons of gasoline, at most, driving this same 52 miles.
So, by this accounting, the Prius may be a better vehicle / fuel solution for the overall environment than an all-electric vehicle like the Bolt.
(posted by Elvis Clark on July 21, 2023)
Forest practices in recent decades in the Western U.S states have not included, to much a degree, the use of controlled burns to get rid of excess wood debris accumulating in forests - woody debris which after years will build up and eventually make uncontrolled forest fires much bigger and more destructive.
Here's the link to the Ashland Chronicle which reports on the historical benefits of controlled burns - aimed at reducing the "fuel" for mega forest fires:
(posted by Elvis Clark on June 8, 2023)
Last Fall in his push to ban natural gas use in Milwaukie, Milwaukie Mayor Gamba claimed that if fossil fuels are not banned. food supplies would dry up because of the carbon dioxide emitted by the use of fossil fuels (causing droughts).
But the U.S Department of Agriculture reports, in the PDF below "CropSupplyOK23May." that world-wide grain production continues to grow despite increasing greenhouse gases in the global atmosphere. Truth be told, plant life needs, and is helped, by a certain amount of greenhouse gases.
(posted by Elvis Clark on May 27, 2023)
CropSupplyOK23May (pdf)
DownloadNew University Research seems to have achieved a break through in allowing electricity to be stored and transmitted much more efficiently.
Please read the PDF download ("NewTech23Mar") just below my comment here. This Wall Street Journal article reports on this new break through that one day (maybe a generation from now) will potentially greatly improve the economics of transitioning to less greenhouse emissions.
My beef with the Climate Crisis crowd is that they are using the worst case scenario painted by the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) some two decades ago now, but that in recent years is now heavily discounted by the same IPCC as being extremely unlikely to occur.
So, we all have time to allow the more natural process of university research being commercialized by our free market system - such that the natural course of man's advancement with new technologies will, in time, reduce man's environmental impacts.
The Problem with government mandates like Net Zero is they put the cart before the horse. Economic progress must be allowed to run its natural course, otherwise forced government solutions end up putting a society's people in poorer economic condition.
The Climate Crisis people like our State Representative, former Mayor of Milwaukie Mark Gamba, lack a balanced perspective about what is economically achievable and how green house emission reductions should be tackled.
(posted by Elvis Clark on March 10, 2023)
NewTech23Mar (pdf)
DownloadThe National Weather Service reports 10.8 inches of snow fell at the Portland airport on the evening of February 22, 2023.
Climate forecasts have forecast that snow would cease to happen in Portland, Oregon, with Climate Change in this decade. Yet in the first two decades of this century (21st) there is actually a rebound in snow fall in Portland. And what's more in the year 2021 there is two snow events with a total of 14 inches between them, 2022 had 2.6 inches among three small snow events; but now in just the single night of February 22, 2023 some 10.8 inches of snow falls.
(posted by Elvis Clark on February 23, 2023)
Two prominent Research studies project a large shortage of copper and other metals to enable the all electric economy envisioned by Net Zero plans by the year 2050. S&P Global Research finds that even under the best of scenarios copper - the essential metal for electric energy conveyance - will be at least 20% short of the demand caused by a total change out of our current fossil fuel dominated economy to a solid state like all-electric economy. Mark Mills, Manhattan Institute, finds metal and mineral supplies make Net Zero all-electrification plans infeasible (even calling these plans delusional).
Now comes a University of California research study which acknowledges the environmental problems caused by the intense lithium mining required for all-electrification.
This University of California study makes the following statement: "Replacing all of the ICE [internal combustion engines] vehicles on the road with EVs [all Electric Vehicles] on a 1:1 basis is INFEASIBLE, particularly on the urgent timeline needed for climate mitigation. This would require significant increases in extraction of minerals like lithium and cobalt for EV battery packs and would also require an enormous amount of electricity. For the United States, researchers estimate that the 350 million EVs required to decarbonize the fleet in [the year] 2050 could use as much as half of U.S national electricity demand."
So, what do the wizards at the University of California want us all to do? Live much smaller, ride bikes and mass transit in place of cars. According to the Wall Street Journal article writing about this University of California study (just below "NetZeroNotLikely23Jan" pdf), governments should ban private cars from on-street parking. Geez, I'd rather let the Climate bring what it will bring rather than suffer the impoverishing social engineering espoused by the likes of the University of California academic community.
(posted by Elvis Clark on February 17, 2023)
NetZeroNotLikely23Jan (pdf)
DownloadThis story about renewable shortcomings was published in "Watts Up With That" on-line climate blog.
(posted by Elvis Clark on February 9, 2023)
The above photo is of an Arizona open pit copper mine. It has been mined now for over 50 years. The nationally recognized Consulting firm for energy and resources, S&P Global, has found that it is almost virtually certain there is not enough copper to allow for an all electric U.S economy (so called net zero) by the year 2050. Aluminum can also conduct electricity but at only 60% of copper's capability.
PGE our local electric utility monopoly loves Net Zero and total electrification mandates like those of the City of Milwaukie (PGE no doubt salivates over the windfall profits it will score with Net Zero mandates). Milwaukie City Council and our state governor touts PGE's line that Net Zero is achievable. Milwaukie City Council even wants to mandate Net Zero much sooner than the year 2050, mandating it by the year 2035.
But our local City Council and other state leaders are mostly "progressives" who want total control over people, delivering a world where there are only two classes - those in control (these same leaders) and the masses (with depressed equal means). So, they hock PGE's so-called expertise to sell a naïve electorate on Net Zero, while also instilling the fear of an impending climate crisis.
(posted by Elvis Clark on January 27, 2023)
Statistically, I can understand some of the concern over the steady rise in the CO 2 composition of the global atmosphere as shown in the graph above, and it causing continued warming of our City of Milwaukie and Portland area. The period of year 2014 through this last year 2022 is warmer than the first 14 years of this century (when CO 2 atmospheric concentrations are lower than in recent years).
But it is also questionable that this warming is the climate crisis that our Milwaukie City Council, City staff and other local leaders want us so to believe. The year 2022 was not that unlike the year 2004 some 18 years ago now. We all survived both years, and prospered in the interim.
Then too, in the secton just below, the Wall Street Journal is reporting that the prominently recognized Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) finds that Net Zero even by the year 2050 is currently out of reach with existing technologies such as wind and solar and batteries; and that power generation will still need a substantial amount of natural gas to provide a reasonably reliable electricity grid - to avoid costly electricity black outs.
(posted by Elvis Clark on January 5, 2023.)
Dr. Steven Koonin is the former Undersecretary for Science, Obamba Administration. Dr. Koonin in this video explains that the current government solutions offered to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate against the rise in global temperatures are just too costly and will have dire results for the safety of humans around the globe.
Climate activists want to ban nitrogen fertilizers. But this already resulted in a case of a drop in farm output and starvation - Sudan.
Elvis Clark-11/25/22
A study of the release of CO2 to the atmosphere resulting from wildfires and forest fires in the year 2020 says that all of the Greenhouse emission savings of California's Green Energy policies over the past decade were fully offset by the emission of greenhouse gases by California's forest and wildfires in just the year 2020 alone.
California spends billions on reducing the state's greenhouse emissions, but neglects to spend these billions on real issues it can actually mitigate like wildfires and forest fires.
Many of our governments seem incapable of prioritizing the real needs of its residents, making the idea of relying on government to reduce the temperature of the earth even more dubious.
For the Wall Street Journal article reporting on California's wholesale loss of greenhouse gas emission savings, click the download of PDF "UpNSmokeClim22Oct."
(posted by Elvis Clark on October 25, 2022)
UpNSmokeClim22Oct (pdf)