Drop me a line at EClarkMilwOr@yahoo.com if interested; or there is my PO Box: ElvisClark4Oregon, 11222 se Main Street, PO Box 220325, Milwaukie Oregon 97222.
McLoughlin is also known as 99E, which was originally intended to speed driver and passengers either as far north as into Washington state or as far south as into California.
Oregon stopped building major new highways in the 1980s with the construction of Highway I-205, which traverses Clackamas County north to south and vice versa. Oregon can't seem to build new road today, other than bicycle paths - this even though Oregon's population has doubled since the 1980s.
(posted by Elvis Clark on May 9, 2024)
The Rock Island Club House pictured here on Milwaukie's Elk Rock Island is said to have been built around the turn of the 20th century and is said to have burned down in the year 1916.
Elk Rock Island is believed to have been formed by a volcano some 40 million years ago.
(posted by Elvis Clark February 8, 2024)
The above photo is taken of the Super Blue Moon on August 30th, 2023; the second such full Super moon in the Month of August. I took this photo seen through the tree tops in my Ardenwald neighborhood in the City of Milwaukie, Oregon.
It is said there will not be another Super Blue Moon until the year 2037, some 14 years from now!
(posted by Elvis Clark on September 1, 2023)
In the daylight, this Halloween exhibit on 32nd in Ardenwald is not really that appealing. But it becomes very fascinating at night time when it is lit with red lighting.
(posted by Elvis Clark on October 17, 2021)
Here is the dedication of the current city hall building back during the Great Depression in 1938, and the building is an FDR approved federal project.
At about 37th and Harvey Street a gal named Donna opens a Flower and garden stand on Mother's Day 2020.
Donna and her hub have done some great landscaping of this property near 37th and Harvey.
A little over on 37th these poppies are Springing to life
Bought my wife a Palenta bowl from Milwaukie Cafe at 32nd & Olsen. She loves it on Mother's Day.
This site used be a gasoline station from 1940 to 1986, and then is Luther Davis Auto Repair up until 2017; when the owner did not renew the lease for the auto shop business; and the old relic sits idle for the better part of two years up until this month when it is demolished. The underlying soil is oil-contaminated. (posted by E Clark 10/30/19.)
Luther Davis' Auto Repair building is demolished now. Owner of property hints at re-developing as a three story first floor retail and two top floors apartments/condos. Contaminated soil would need venting and monitoring. City Planners may in the next couple of years allow four story height limits instead of the existing limit for this "Hub like" site of three story building. (10/30/19)
Eric's market on 32d & Olsen - across from where Luther's Auto Repair shop used to exist - seems to have new and younger store manager/owner. And he took down the LOW BEER signage which had become somewhat iconic for the Ardenwald neighborhood of Milwaukie. We shall miss. (E. Clark 10/30/19